All photos ©︎Hymns Project -Yoko and Thanks to all my friends! x
After few shows, I had BICERIN which is special drink from Turin with my friends.
They are also help as staff for my BIG stages the other day.
Supper lovely person, also they are trying to study Japanese at the moment. they are good!
Sara can speak a lot anyway!:)

BICERIN. I love this one!
Taste of Turin yeah!

We love burger❤︎

Super yum, oh my….
I love this meat!
You know, this meat called Fassone, it’s special meat from Turin.
Oh, I love this burger…

It was good day friends! 😉
See you soon in Italy, and sometime in Japan might be!
And, thanks again for BIG support of my music, stages, and about Turin and Italy tourism thing too!
Very helpful.
Ciao ciao!